Dedh Cans ha Seytek

De Meurth, seythves warn ügens mis Ebrel

Tuesday, 27th April


Eus nowodhow deffrans veth? E veu dhebm hedhyw nebes kescows war Zoom, ha nei a wrüg kestalkya adro dhe'n kethsam maters avel an termyn kensena. Piw a wrüg cawas pigow breghlin? Onan po dew? Era effects drog? A wrüg nebonan mos dhe'n shoppys po an tavern? A wrüss ta debry pres e'n lowarth? Pe lies pimp a wrüss ta eva? Nebonan a gawas te dehen cabm. Piw ew kellys? En gwettha pres, e vedh encledhyans De Gwener. A veu Covid an câws? Eus towl veth dhe nebonan dhe vos dres mor e'n hav ma? Ma Peder ow towlel dhe vos dhe Enys Wyth! Pur ger ew an keybal kerry (deg pens ha trei ügens).  

Is there any different news at all? Today I had some conversations on Zoom and we talked about the same things as the previous time. Who had vaccinations? One or two? Were there any ill effects? Did anyone go to the shops or the pub? Did you eat a meal in the garden? How many pints did you drink? Someone had a wrong cream tea. Who is missing? Sadly, there will be a funeral on Friday. Was Covid the cause? Does anyone have any plan to go abroad this summer? Peter plans to go to the Isle of Wight! The car ferry is very expensive (£70).

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

en gwettha pres sadly, unfortunately

Enys Wyth ~ Gwyth Isle of Wight

kellys lost, missing

kensena previously

ker expensive, dear

kescows (m) conversation

kestalkya to converse, talk

kethsam same, identical

keybal (m) ferry

maters themes, topics, subjects

pigow breghlin vaccinations, injections

towl (m) plan

towlel ~ towla to plan


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