Dedh Dew Cans Dogens ha Trei
De Meurth, üdnegves warn ügens mis Est
Tuesday, 31st August
Whel ew diantel! Ma moy es whegh mil mernans pub dedh oll dres oll an bes dre reson a wall galwansüs po cleves kelmys dhe whel. Droglabmow ha clevejyow a'n par-ma ew bohes menegys. Ma record drog dhe'n whel-ober derevyans. Thera vy ow remembra gweles helicopter nanj ew diw seythen po nebes. Ev a dheuth rag bylder leb a godhas dhort stullyow. Terweythyow ma gwall ow câwsya ancòmbrynjy. Gweythor en-dadn ambos a drohas pib dowr vrâs dre wall. Na veu dowr dhe lies chei. Trònk-carr a gemeras vorr gabm en Plymouth. Ev a shyndyas pons vorr gleder. Lebmyn calish ew rag pobel dhe vos tre dhort Kernow.
Work is dangerous! There are more than 6000 daily deaths worldwide because of an occupational accident or work-related disease. How many more? Such accidents and illnesses are under-reported. The construction industry has a bad record. I remember seeing a helicopter about two weeks ago. It came for a builder who fell from scaffolding. Sometimes an accident causes inconvenience. A contractor accidentally cut a large water pipe. Lots of houses didn't have water. A lorry took a wrong road in Plymouth. It damaged a railway bridge. Now it is hard for people to go home from Cornwall.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
ancòmbrynjy (m) inconvenience
bohes menegys under-reported
clevejyow illnesses, diseases < cleves ~clevyes (m)
derevyans (m) construction
dres oll an bes worldwide
galwansüs ~ a gawl occupational, professional
gwall (m) accident, mishap (can also use droglam (m))
kelmys dhe whel work-related, connected to work
pub dedh oll daily
stullyow scaffolding
whel-ober (m) industry
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